Friday, January 24, 2014

BBM Tennis Tournament T-Shirt


  • To use creative problem-solving skills to design a t-shirt for an annual tennis tournament that raises money for the Cancer Community Center of Maine;
  • To understand the importance of being involved in a real-life, authentic learning experience.
The Betty Blakeman Tshirt design was definitely the most challenging project on the semester. The first major learning was due to the nature of the project. The t-shirt had to be original but also needed aspects from the many T-shirts in the past. It also needed specific words such as “Betty Blakeman” and “2014.” This made the designing process harder because there were many specific’s to be met. The second major learning was taking the criticism from the employer and using it in a positive way. My person feedback was quite negative but the reality was that it was her feedback that mattered. Even if I loved my design the employers feedback was the only thing that had weight. My last major learning was simplicity. I have struggled with this concept the whole unit and I felt that my design wasn’t quite simply enough but the change from first draft to final was large and I made good progress in making the t-shirt look simple.

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